October 3, 2007: Functional Shmunctional is
BORN with
this post.
October 3, 2008: Grandy has to undergo surgery on the 2nd, but still manages to pre-post so that she doesn't miss her
1st Blogversary on the 3rd, while she's in the hospital.
October 3, 2009: *blink blink* Really? NOTHING?!? How does Grandy blow this exactly? No telling...but we suspect Grandy has been trying with all her might to mimic those dang ostriches in the banner up there. HEAD BACK IN THE SAND!!! At any rate, perhaps Grandy will just say that she was off rockin' the night away while celebrating her
2nd Blogversary on a hot happenin' Saturday night.
Yeahhh...that's the ticket. People often keep journals for many reasons. My English teachers back in school used to make us keep one every year. Grandy always struggled with the personal commitment of keeping a journal. I'd go 2 weeks, maybe 3, and then run out of steam or focus.
SHOCKING!! Grandy has a tendancy to lose focus!!Somehow this "journal" has survived 2 years, and 365 posts.
HOLY UNDERWEAR BATMAN!!This blog would not have lasted as long as it has, were it not for you out there. You laugh and cry with me, exactly when I needed you to. Here are some highlights from the last couple years.
First post where Grandy realized her MOM read her blog:
YABUTS - Yeah...she suspected some of it was directed at her, but she got over it.
First post that got over 30 comments:
A Letter to Ty - Also one of my personal favorites. This will last way longer than the birthday cards I've given him over the years. I happen to know he's gone back to read this one over and over...and yet the room remains un-clean.
Some apparent fan-favorites:
I Couldn't Make This Up, Things You'd Hear at My Desk
1 &
2, and one several of us STILL giggle about at the office...
Commuter's Emergency Kit.
As I reflect back on the last two years that have been shared with you all, I realize what I have gained from having this blog. I have my outlet. I've had a release. I've had perspective. I've had FUN. My writing has made me laugh, vent, and cry. This blog is all things random, and yet not all things that mean nothing. There are some rant blogs out there with rarely a theme. This blog
is out there, but rarely without a purpose.Thank you to all my readers, followers and stalkers. Thanks for keeping me honest, keeping me real, and welcoming me back to share more.