Grandy has always been a fan of reading other blogs that post according to the days of the week (Wordless Wednesdays,
Thursday Thirteen, Haiku Fridays) but has always had a bit of a fear of commitment.
Let's face it, I can barely remember what day of the week it is, much less remember that I was supposed to post a picture or a poem. I post what strikes me, and fear if I miss it, the Thursday 13 police will come strike me down. (kidding...the conspiracy people need not be alarmed...I don't believe there really are any T13 police out there.
The pressure is too great.
Also, Grandy has never been very good with
rules. Is the 13 supposed to be positive? In Wordless Wednesday, what if you take a picture of words? Haiku???
Today, I'm going to do my own version, as I'm sitting here frustrated with the fact that I seem to be having a flare up (of sorts). What sort of flare up, you ask? Well, a tourettes flare-up of course.
Not only have I had 2 days of saying ASS on my blog in a week, but I have been dropping F-Bombs like the battle of Normandy. I don't think I can get off the phone at work without chanting... A$$HOLE.
It really is difficult to control...I promise.
I've always had a bit of t "blinking" problem. The kids called me blinky in school (kids can suck). When I'd get nervous, my eyes would then blink AND roll. Ok, some of the rolling of the eyes was under my control (I know Mom, I know) but not all of it. The more I get worked up and stressed, it gets worse.
Have I been formally diagnosed with it? I don't remember...
Do I blame it for my swearing? Hey, if I can put up with getting called Blinky as a kid, then I think I get to.
That being said, I've been out-of-control lately with it. Why? Long days...short sleep nights... lots of stuff going on. This morning I was trying to think about all the things that might be contributing to this recent efing flare up, and thought...Hey! I can kinda make a list of 13... sorta... maybe.
So, without further adieu, here are 13 reasons for my efing tourettes flare up.
1) 5 hours a sleep a night - max
2) 13-14 hour work days - a few days a week
3) Football practice - Ty...not me
4) Boy Scout Parents - Really? Are we all 12?
5) Olympics - Part of the problem of little sleep
6) School started this week
7) Cycle - Not the uni-, bi-, or motor- kind
8 - 13ish) Statements like these made to me either in writing or personally:
"Are you really this ignorant, or just intentionally mis-informed?" - He's an Ass
"I shouldn't have to teach you a course in law or contract interpretation." - Same ASS
"What do you think this is, a civil rights violation or a traffic violation?" - Yep! You guessed it! The ass is still here.
"Let's face it, Mary, they don't pay claims people to
think." - Different ass (finally).
Me - You want me to send you all the contact information in one email?
Twit - Yes Ma'am
Me - But it's in the submission package I provided already
Twit - I didn't read that yet, it would be easier if you just sent that.
Me - You want me to do extra work to make less work for you?
Twit - Yes Ma'am
(Seriously?)Big Boss - So, I'll see you at the meeting at 8am.
Me - But the meeting is 120 miles from my home? I thought we were meeting at 10?
BB -'s 8.
Me - Well you're buying the coffee.
(No I didn't get in trouble for that comment...yet)
"Mom...I think we forgot to pay the phone bill." - Text message from my son because phones didn't work. I did forget, it's not about the $$ I just FORGOT!
Even as I write this list, it's no wonder I can't stop saying Fother Mucker.