Good luck with that! Behind our TV is a scary, DVD player, CD player and speaker wires and there might be some things, that, to be honest, I'm not sure what they do...just don't unplug them.
I am always confused as to how those wires get all tangled up. They are not all tangled up when we install them..they hang straight down or whatever..but a month later, they are a tangled mess. Weird.
My geek status shows. I can't tell you how many desks I've climbed under, looked at the crazy way stuff was wired and organized the mess! One of our IBM contractors would come in and ask me if I could get my DM to transfer me to all our stores, lol.
Now, at home, I let Ed handle all the mess.
Two things-scotch tape and sharpie marker. Once you figure out what something is, LABEL the sucker!
Okay good luck! I can actually see the exact same image just looking at my brother's desktop computer with all the wires and cords at the back. LOL. He keeps arranging them so they're not tangled up but then when he takes a look the next day, they're all tangled up again!
I've got a great son, a wonderfully funny husband, and am blesssed with great family & friends!! I am directionally and geographically challenged, but am fortunate for my navigator.
Good luck with that! Behind our TV is a scary, DVD player, CD player and speaker wires and there might be some things, that, to be honest, I'm not sure what they do...just don't unplug them.
My husband does all of our electronic I never look behind the tv. Maybe I should..... *shakes head* Nah
Why do electronics have to have so much wire. My biggest pet peeve is the wires coming out of the speakers to the TV.
I am always confused as to how those wires get all tangled up. They are not all tangled up when we install them..they hang straight down or whatever..but a month later, they are a tangled mess. Weird.
My geek status shows. I can't tell you how many desks I've climbed under, looked at the crazy way stuff was wired and organized the mess! One of our IBM contractors would come in and ask me if I could get my DM to transfer me to all our stores, lol.
Now, at home, I let Ed handle all the mess.
Two things-scotch tape and sharpie marker. Once you figure out what something is, LABEL the sucker!
DK~ I tell's scary!!
Joyce-Anne~ DON'T DO IT!!
Maria~ Oh yeah!! That's scary.
Spicy~ It's spooky I tell ya!!
Suzanne~ EXCELLENT TIP!! Tape and sharpee...that I can do!
Okay good luck! I can actually see the exact same image just looking at my brother's desktop computer with all the wires and cords at the back. LOL. He keeps arranging them so they're not tangled up but then when he takes a look the next day, they're all tangled up again!
Oh, yes. I've been there. Behind my computer desk, behind our television/entertainment center, behind my desk at work...
LOL! I feel like every room is a total fire hazard sometimes :)
Jess~ HA! So not organized myself. ;)
Mara~ It's like they do that by themselves!!
Hawg~ They're multiplying...I'm telling ya!
Sandy~ NO DOUBT!!
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