Because Grandy really is a 12 year old, trapped in this strange grown-up body, when this pic was found over at Geekologie.com she just had to borrow it to share with you all. Of course, I am offering up link credits all over the place, in exchange for my reader here to be able to share in my childish giggle.
This is something I would do too!!
I would find an obscure animal cracker, realize what it REALLY was, take a picture of it, and post at a later date.
In fact...I am up to the challenge... Someone get me a barrel of animal crackers!!!
No, I'd guess 14. That's when sexual humor tends to reach it's height around here.
LOL...that is cute.
Teenagers are very advanced these days...All they have to do is watch television commercials and they can see it all.
Sad but true:)
Have a very nice day!
I wonder if the people who make the crackers, which aren't really crackers now are they, more like cookies but I'll let it go, anyway I wonder if they put the different animals in these weird poses prior to baking just so people like us can get a laugh?
Oh to be a teen again,oh wait I am one at heart.
Hah! Too funny. I never want to grow up.
LOL! THAT cookie is something to LOOK at. :)
Heeheehee very funny
Mother~ 14 it is! ;)
Dorothy~ Thanks so much for stopping by!! :D
Jen~ I'd like to think so.
Mike~ Yes you are!!
Tricia~ You don't have too! ;)
Mara~ I couldn't ever eat it I don't think.
Joyce-Anne~ HA!!
Heh. Heh. Heh. Heh.
I am 12, too!
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