Grandy was 19 years old when she stumbled into the wrong corridor looking for a class, and ran into a rather kind portly gentle-man.
"Can I help you little lady?" he asked.
"I'm sorry, but I think I'm lost" I responded.
"Aren't we all?" he replied with a smile. "What is it you're looking for?"
To this day I don't even remember what class it was I was looking for. All I know is there was this man, with a larger than life personality, and the all the charm in the world. He was working on casting for some one-act plays, and convinced me to audition. He cast me... and changed my world forever.
This lovely, sweet man, who influenced and loved so many, passed away yesterday. He was my first mentor, and a personal hero. He was the man that convinced me that I could do Theatre. He never tried to tell me what I "should" do...he just reminded me of what I was capable of.
He was brilliant, artistic, sometimes impatient, and authentic. You never questioned what he meant, and always knew where you stood. This is a quality Grandy has always embraced.
Thanks to the community of Facebook, I learned of the loss, and have been able to embrace my fellow theatre family members who are still stunned from the loss. It's amazing that although I haven't worked with some of these people in over ten years, we are still connected and the love is still there. His Facebook page is now filled with love and emotion, as people express their appreciation for all he's done for them.
Thank you, Tom, for all those you've touched in your life. You have left a legacy that cannot be replaced, and will be sorely missed. I LOVE YOU!!