Monday, August 31, 2009

Watching Your Back

Grandy feels like she's watching the shadows over her back.

It's nothing I can place my finger on exactly.

But I can definitely relate to this fish.

I'm juggling a lot (of course) and have a couple people watching to see if I fail.

I'm here to tell ya, "Putty Tat"... That is so NOT going to happen!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

WTF Wednesday - Grandy Steps In It

Grandy's schedule is starting take it's toll.

It's that time of year, like clock-work, where Grandy seems to need a break. Regrettably, it is also this time of year where Grandy has been forced to take medically induced sabatticals 4 times in her lifetime.

Perhaps Grandy has some sort of adverse allergic reaction to the months of August and September?

At any rate, Grandy has not popped...yet.

HOWEVER... tomorrow Grandy is taking a day long "business trip", on a boat, with the President of the company, and the Vice President, and the other one, and every other dang executive in the company. Grandy will be the only girl on the boat.

There will be food. There will be wine. There will be Grandy.

Better take my Benedryl now to avoid the rash of Grandy-isms that could break out.

Monday, August 24, 2009

The loss of a personal hero

Grandy was 19 years old when she stumbled into the wrong corridor looking for a class, and ran into a rather kind portly gentle-man.

"Can I help you little lady?" he asked.

"I'm sorry, but I think I'm lost" I responded.

"Aren't we all?" he replied with a smile. "What is it you're looking for?"

To this day I don't even remember what class it was I was looking for. All I know is there was this man, with a larger than life personality, and the all the charm in the world. He was working on casting for some one-act plays, and convinced me to audition. He cast me... and changed my world forever.

This lovely, sweet man, who influenced and loved so many, passed away yesterday. He was my first mentor, and a personal hero. He was the man that convinced me that I could do Theatre. He never tried to tell me what I "should" do...he just reminded me of what I was capable of.

He was brilliant, artistic, sometimes impatient, and authentic. You never questioned what he meant, and always knew where you stood. This is a quality Grandy has always embraced.

Thanks to the community of Facebook, I learned of the loss, and have been able to embrace my fellow theatre family members who are still stunned from the loss. It's amazing that although I haven't worked with some of these people in over ten years, we are still connected and the love is still there. His Facebook page is now filled with love and emotion, as people express their appreciation for all he's done for them.

Thank you, Tom, for all those you've touched in your life. You have left a legacy that cannot be replaced, and will be sorely missed. I LOVE YOU!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

I DID Survive

Grandy got a message from her sweet friend the other day, on Facebook.

"HEY! I'm needing my blogging fix, and you haven't been around!" she says.

Oh good grief!! Grandy has been glued to the computer, but has not had the time to get online and post. SO sorry readers!!!

I will be back soon to update you on life in Grandy-land, but I thought I would show you a pic of me and my date from the reunion last weekend to prove that we survived.


Thursday, August 13, 2009


Grandy's weekend is all about good times.

The last few weeks...let's face it, MONTHS...Grandy has been wrought with "issues". Furlough issues, pay cut talks, family unemployment, family cancer issues, long days, short nights, and all sorts of other crap have been ruining my days and limiting my enjoyment of life.

Tomorrow and Monday are Grandy's first two furlough days, and she is down in Salinas for her...are you ready for this...20 year high school reunion. Technically it's only 19 years, but since Grandy's high school is celebrating their 50th year anniversary, they have combined 3 years together.

I have vowed to NOT WORK FOR 4 DAYS. Really. Grandy works on vacation and sick days, because that's the way that she operates, and she's already getting paid for them, but seriously...they are not getting my blood when they don't want to pay me. So that alone will be a nice break.

I'm really looking forward to connecting with old friends from the grades that graduated around me. Sunday is the anniversary of Dad's passing, and I get to go see him on that day. Tonight I'm hanging with a life-long girlfriend (remember Dens who never blogs enough?). It doesn't get much better.

This weekend Grandy will drink, laugh, drink, cry, drink and love.

I am SO looking forward to it!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

WTF Wednesday - Perplexed

The fact that they somehow got a picture of this cat holding a Rubik's cube makes me giggle.

For all the animal lovers out there, Grandy is here to assure you that this cat will have that thing figured out long before Grandy does.

These things are hard...for Grandy anyway.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A New Prescription We ALL Need

Grandy has found a medication she is not opposed to taking. This pill is more than just a happy pill. It's a pill with benefits.

We have a friend who said that an Optimist feels like things can't get any worse, whereas a Pessimist knows that they can.

Folks...I'm not sure where Grandy fits into this spectrum...but I am dang tired of the bad luck.

Please call your doctors and ask about this prescription. I can only think of a few possible side effects, and none of them involve diarrhea or vomiting.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

WTF Wednesday - The Joys of Summer

Summer months can be HOT HOT HOT!!!

Wouldn't you love a company like this to come and service your Air Conditioning??

I know several men that would hire them just for the great corporate name.

I love the person that stuck their camera outside the window and took this picture, because that is EXACTLY what Grandy would do.

Hahaha!! Right on!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Hidden Keys to Relationships

Today Grandy visited the Annual Fire Department Garage Sale. It's a big thing where people all over town donate their unwanted things, in hopes that if it sells, the money goes to our volunteer fire department. Going through the discards of so many families makes it that much more fun.

Grandy could not miss the opportunity to take a picture of this...

Relationships can be a difficult thing.

I don't know a single marriage that hasn't faced obstacles from all angles.

Whether or not one is strong enough to weather the storm, can go either way.

Grandy wonders, however, whether or not the couple that bought these videos made it the distance.

I suppose it might have helped them a little... if they had maybe OPENED one of the videos though.